INTI DAYA ENGINEERING || Solusi Daya Tepercaya.
Melayani rental / sewa genset Sejak 1982 . Dengan unit genset Milik Kami Sendiri .
Mulai dari 20 – 2000 kva . Siap dijalankan 24 jam / Hari!
Kapanpun. Dimanapun.
Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya No. 1, Ruko Section One Blok E10 – 11, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60292
Phone : 031 – 841 6288
Whatsapp : 0823 3502 2792
Importance of Door Hold Button for Your Elevators
There are several buttons in the elevator that we often see. There is a “Close” button to close the cabin door (which actually doesn’t work according to some myths circulating). There is also an “Open” button to open the door, or hold the cabin door open. It’s just that, to keep the door open, the
The Importance of Clear House Numbers
Have you ever searched for a house in a complex, but almost all the houses there didn’t have their house number shown? Did you have trouble finding the house you were looking for? Or have you ever seen one street with two street names? Some houses there use the street name “Mangga VII”, but some
Power Certainty in Uncertain Weather
One thing that is certain these days is that we are increasingly encountering extreme weather in the world, also in Indonesia. In early April 2021, for example, Cyclone Seroja hit the East Nusa Tenggara area. The cyclone caused severe damage to the area due to strong winds and flooding from heavy rains and rising sea
Why Some People Just Don’t Have Good Manners While Riding Elevators?
Even if you’re only in it for a few minutes, there are a few etiquette that everyone who uses the elevator should pay attention to in public places. In principle, we must still be aware that we are not the only elevator users. Therefore, we need to be tolerant with fellow passengers. Anything that can
Choosing The Home Lift for Your Family
For some families, having elevators or elevators for households are no longer a luxury, but have become a necessity. Family members who are elderly or who have health problems really need a home lift to stay active at home. The elevator is also very helpful for moving heavy items from floor to floor. The question now
“Start Ready” Genset Rental Package
If your place of business requires a generator as backup power, such as restaurants, budget hotels, banking offices, showrooms, and so on, your generator must always be available and ready to use and according to rules and regulations. Thus, power outages do not need to be detrimental or interfere with your business. The problem is,
Macam Macam Komponen Elevator/Lift dan Fungsinya
Elevator/Lift adalah sarana transportasi vertikal yang digunakan untuk mengangkut orang atau barang. Lift pada umumnya digunakan di gedung gedung bertingkat yang memiliki 3 lantai atau lebih. Gedung gedung yang lebih rendah biasanya hanya menggunakan tangga ataupun eskalator. Tipe Elevator/Lift terbagi menjadi 5, yaitu : Lift Penumpang / Passenger Lift Lift Rumah / Home Lift Lift
6 Ide Desain Pagar Kontemporer Yang Elegan Untuk Rumahmu
Selain fasad, pagar adalah salah satu elemen rumah yang memiliki banyak fungsi. Mulai dari keamanan, sampai dengan estetika. Kesan pertama dari sebuah rumah seringkali tersirat pada pagar rumahnya. Oleh karena itu, untuk Anda yang ingin pagar rumahnya lebih estetik dan bergaya terkini, berikut beberapa ide yang bisa Anda pakai : Perpaduan dinding dengan pagar bergaya